ISO Standard Compliance
ISO 9000-2000
This standard is designed for quality management systems. It sets rules and guidelines for a company's behavior such that the resulting product or service that is delivered meets the customer's requirements.
ISO 17025
This standard is designed for calibration laboratories and other entities that sell measurement services or measurement instruments. It consists of management and technical requirements.
Achieving compliance and/or certification to either of these ISO standards can be accomplished through a simple, ten-step process:
1. Read the Standard for familiarity.
2. Create/Revise a checklist for compliance
3. Conduct an internal audit to the checklist.
4. If no non-conformities are found, skip to step 8.
5. Otherwise, list non-conformities and relate each to a specific clause of the Standard.
6. Change the process and /or documentation to eliminate the non-conformities.
7. Go to step 2.
8. Schedule and host an audit by a certified ISO registrar.
9. Change the process and /or documentation to eliminate the non-conformities.
10. Schedule a follow-up audit or communication to clear any non-conformities.
An explanation of the process for ISO 17025 compliance is given in "Achieving ISO 17025 Compliance in 10 Easy Steps".
If you are a newcomer to the ISO standards or want the assurance of passing the certification audit on the first try, I can help you.